The number of respondents we had to the sex survey this year has been almost overwhelming. 1063 of you replied, and only about 20 of them as far as we could tell were blatant trolls (thank you guys btw for making us laugh).

Over the course of these next seven pages, we’ll delve into the details of the results that you’ve given us. You’ve told us about what you’ve done, who you’ve done, and where you’ve done it.

Furthermore you’ve told us how happy you are with what you’re getting and helped us address some of the classic Imperial clichés about gender imbalance and frustration.

So thank you, everyone, who took the time to share this information with us. We appreciate that telling this stuff to complete strangers is a sensitive issue and we’ve dealt with it with the utmost privacy and discretion. The raw data has long since been deleted and great lengths were taken to make sure that no individual was identifiable in either this print copy, or to our writers while we were analysing the data. Thanks also go to the people who donated a huge amount of their time in helping me analyse your data and produce this pull out, without whom I wouldn’t have known where to start.

So sit back and enjoy, and I hope you find this report as funny but informative to read as we found to write.

_Read the results of the survey in their entirety from pages 25 to 32 in this week’s issue of Felix. Alternatively, just stare at the pretty infographics._