Staff and students of Imperial College London, my name is Andrew Ryan. No doubt many of you have heard of the city built upon free enterprise and thought - my city of Rapture.

I’m writing here, in order to offer my services to you - the innovators and entrepreneurs of the future. For too long has the withering grip of governmental greed been wrapped tightly around the throat of progress, stunting the growth of our youth. With my help, your minds can envisage a world with out boundaries, or petty morality. Is it not your right to live an unstifled life, free to work and dream as you please?

For the next few weeks, I will be available to answer any of your questions - philosophical, economic and philanthropic. But today, I would like to talk to you about the contagion that has been spreading amongst the student populace over the last few weeks. Incurable democracy.

So many of you are quick to despise those who place themselves supreme, those who name themselves kings, dictators, despots. Now I ask of you - are those men your true enemies? A man or woman who places themself on a pedestal is easy to topple, but what about the mob that surrounds them? Democracy puts the power in the hands of the many. The hands of those who are weak. Those who are easily swayed. Your colleagues can be part of this majority - your so-called friends plotting your downfall.

It is not those who are elected, who gain most from their time in power - it is their allies. The spiders on the web that supports them. The nameless figures who profit from the work of others. The unaccountable shadows who pull the strings.

The voice of the individual is lost within the unrestricted power of the majority, breeding paranoia like a festering wound. It may at first encourage development and growth but it soon devolves into carnage, with each man left with a choice - to murder and rob, or to be robbed and murdered first. The parasite finds a welcome host within the democratic mob.

Why should you have these so-called elected officials running your union? Those whose manifestos may seem clear to clouded minds, but was written by hands in the chaos of anonymity. You are in the position to out these puppets, and reconstruct the way your student union is built. A new system where innovation is rewarded, rather than a measure of who has the most ‘friends’.

My experience within Rapture has proven one thing - cold hard cash turns more heads than notions of greed. Build your way to the top of the tower, and protect yourself from your allies. You will never know when the bitches of the government will be working to undermine your name. Or rather, you will never know if they may stop.

Rapture may not be perfect. Of course, no society that allows parasites to thrive within its walls can ever be. The path to a utopian world is not an easy one, nor can the yoke rest on one man’s shoulders. Only through the combined efforts of every man, can our society reach the greatness it deserves.

Yet, I am no self-proclaimed saviour of society. I built Rapture as a home for intellect and innovation, safe from the eyes of any God, or progress-fearing mind. I have laid out the plans to let you become the greatest you could ever dream to be. To allow the man with the lesser mind, the weaker conviction, and yet the greatest number of allies, have power over you, is not just admitting defeat. It is spreading the disease.

And so, I cordially invite you all, to visit my stall at the forthcoming Industrialist Fair. There will be places for minds like yours, in my city.

I look forward to your questions over the forthcoming weeks.

With warmest regards, Andrew Ryan

Thanks Mr Ryan! If you have any questions for Mr Ryan, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] with the title “Ask Andrew”, and we’ll pass them along to his people.