Feeling lonely? The impending Valentine’s Day getting you down? We all know that it’s hard to meet people at Imperial, so Aunt Annie wants to make it a bit easier for you. If you’re looking for a special someone, missed a connection, or want to let someone know how you feel, send a message to [email protected], and it’ll be featured in this week’s paper.

_Felix fanatic looking for like-minded lover to spend Wednesday afternoons in the west basement together. WLTM writer with GSOH, preferably who edits Hangman but could edit science, news or sport (just not fashion or travel). Message me and we can arrange a journalistic rendez-vous, and I reckon we may just hit all the deadlines. _

See something you like? Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll pass it on to this particular Section Editor looking for love. Let Auntie Annie help you get lucky in love!