College staff member attack's student's guest at Union
College staff member attack's student's guest at Union

<span stylefont-size:" 14px;">Violence erupted at the Union on Friday night after a guest of an Imperial student was left with a bloody face after being attacked by a member of College staff on his last day of work.
Reports from the night suggest the attack was unprovoked and sudden, and occurred at around 1.30am as the Union event wound down.
The situation ended well after closing time with the attacker being escorted into a police car on Prince Consort Road.The confrontation was said to have risen in dB's nightclub when the guest and his group of friends, whom were all Imperial students, left the sofa they were at to buy drinks. Shortly after, the unnamed guest was approached by a man described to be in his early thirties wanting to use the sofa. His immediate behavior was described as drunkenly aggressive, and when he was politely refused permission to use the sofa, he lashed out with his fists at the guest.
Understandably shocked, the guest was led out of the Union building as security started the search for the attacker. After some first-aid treatment to a several-inch long cut above his right eyebrow, the guest was interviewed by Union security and stewards. He decided to press charges, and the police and ambulance were subsequently called. The victim was later taken to hospital. The man arrested has since been found to be a former member of College staff who works in Registry. He was at the Union celebrating his last day of work at Imperial.
The College Registry regularly deals with student welfare matters including admissions, financial hardships and examination procedures. A spokesperson for Imperial stated, “Imperial regrets to confirm that on Saturday 16 January at approximately 1am, a former member of staff was allegedly involved in a physical assault on a guest in one of the College's student union bars. Union staff and stewards promptly called an ambulance and the police and administered first aid to the victim, who was subsequently treated in hospital for cuts to the face.
“The incident is now being investigated by the police, and the College has no further comment to make at this stage.”