
Taking your pick: General Election 2010

56% of Imperial students are voting Lib Dem at the General Election, but who should you be voting for?

Taking your pick: General Election 2010

If it hadn't quite clicked already, this General Election is important; not just for the country as a whole, but for you too. As Imperial students, under- or postgraduate, you are the next generation of scientists, engineers, doctors and businessmen of the UK (if not the world). Graduating from a 'world-class' university certainly sets your bar high for career aspirations, and the fields of academia or business you'll be leading will either suffer or prosper under the new Government to be formed on May 7th. Hence, this General Election may have a significant bearing on all Imperial students graduating in the coming years.

As much as you protest, your days as a student will come to an end. Finding yourself knee-deep in the mire that is the job market may come as a shock to the system, but at least this General Election will allow you to have some say in how painful or delightful this shock may be.

Moving away from a generic comparison of the three main parties' manifesto pledges, felix is looking into the policies and issues being discussed that will directly affect a fledgling workforce entering the industries of science (academic or otherwise) and City business._ felix_ will additionally inspect the policies that could change the way you live out your remaining years as a student.

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Felix General Election 2010 Special Edition pdf

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