
Album of The Week: Bon Iver

Bon Iver's second album surpasses his debut says Harry Rickerby

Album of The Week: Bon Iver

This is certainly the best album released so far this year, and it will probably remain that way unless Joanna Newsom sneaks out another before December. Often sounding very 80s with Peter Gabriel-esque synths on the opener ‘Perth’ and familiar pop-rock nuances on ‘Beth/Rest’, the album combines a huge range of influences in interesting and varied ways. Remarkably, however, the albums is completely cohesive and utterly original. This eponymous second album is streets ahead of his previous (and excellent) record For Emma, Forever Ago, which, when listened to after Bon Iver, simply sounds dull and repetitive. Finding words to describe the sheer beauty of this album is difficult, but I wrote a poem to explain how it makes me feel.


Autumn breeze frigidly touches ailing dreadful lives Harshly darkness quietly surrounds the broken souls Mellow serenades that once played between hearts Pathetically have transformed into bitter sad songs.

Somewhere beyond the flossy clouds Cupid has lost his romancing arrows Plays sad sonorous tunes on his bow Dedicated to all weepy lonely hearts.

Howling chilly wind blows through the mist Sounds of sorrow spread all over the place Fuzzy humid air submerges the inner lust Lives decay slowly as the autumn leaves fall.

Bon Iver – [spotify link]