
Julia Buckingham steps down as Pro-Rector

First female Vice-Chancellor

Julia Buckingham steps down as Pro-Rector

Professor Julia Buckingham, current Pro-Rector for Education and Academic Affairs at Imperial College London, has been appointed as the next Vice-Chancellor and Principal for Brunel University. The first woman to be appointed to this position at Brunel, she will assume duties from Professor Chris Jenks on October 1 2012.

A graduate in Pharmacology from the University of London, Professor Buckingham is also currently the Director of Imperial’s Centre for Integrative Mammalian Physiology and Pharmacology. She joined the College in 1997 during the merger of the West London Medical Schools with Imperial, serving as Non-Clinical Dean for the Faculty of Medicine and the Head of Division of Neuroscience and Mental Health prior to her appointment as Pro-Rector in 2007.

Professor Buckingham was also previously employed as Professor of Pharmacology and Assistant Dean (Preclinical) at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, University of London. As a researcher, she has had her work funded by various research councils and the Wellcome Trust, and trained over 25 PhD students. She is also currently Chairman and Trustee of the Society for Endocrinology, as well as a Founder Member of the Society of Biology.

Jane Kelly, Chair of Brunel University’s Council, said that “Council is very pleased to have appointed Julia to be our next Vice-Chancellor...[she] demonstrates the skills, commitment and enthusiasm to build on Brunel’s strengths and aspirations.”

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