
Freshers get wet in Cambridge

Alex Charleson reports back from Cambridge, which is apparently an okay university or something

Freshers get wet in Cambridge

On Saturday the Imperial swimming team travelled to Cambridge to take part in the first gala of the year, and it was a good meet but was not without hitches. Our captain, after telling us which trains to book, booked hers for half an hour later, and when we did arrive in Cambridge Tom Trimnell assured us he knew how to getto the pool so we started walking. We took the scenic route round the outskirts of Cambridge and an hour later, we arrived at the pool. After our little adventure round Cambridge we didn’t need to warm up and so the competition began.

There were good individual swims from all the freshers and the team as a whole came 5th. Some outstanding swims were by Michael Ingram in the 100m butterfly and Fraser Gordon in the 100m freestyle who both came in the top three in all their races. After the competition we enjoyed some well-earned pizzas (all large of course) and beers on the train home. Artyom put his underwater camera to good and made a video of our day; All in all it was a good day and the freshers rose to the occasion spectacularly.

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