
Kadhim’s Last Totally Hot Album of the Week

Kitty Pryde – haha im sorry – 2012

Kadhim’s Last Totally Hot Album of the Week

So, this exists... By ‘this’ I mean haha im sorry, Kitty Pryde’s debut mixtape. Words truly fail me – ok, well maybe not entirely, but let’s not get meta here. Let’s imagine, for a horrifying moment, that you teamed a tumblr tween up with the guys behind Main Attrakionz. You’d end up with lazy, hazy hip-hop beats (the type that define Clams Casino, A$AP Rocky, and, of course, Main Attrakionz) and a tumblr tween making you facepalm about our future with her inane rap...

Which would all be fine, we could just direct anonymous vicious Internet hate in her general direction and get on with our lives. But her music demands repeat listens. Her lyrical content says something eye-opening about the priorities of Internet-reared youngsters – Kitty Pryde is a innocent, bottom-lip-tattooed, cry for attention from kids who can afford Supreme but can’t afford to let their guard down for one second.

And let’s be honest, the collaboration between the newest wave of hip-hop and white America’s teen culture simply reflects the absolute ascendancy of hip-hop culture in the Western world – a progression which can be seen to begin as far back as Public Enemy’s sell-out tour of the UK in the late 80s.

I’d go as far as to say that Kitty Pryde is one of the most self-aware artists to appear since the Millenium – her remix of Carly-Rae Jepsen’s ‘Call Me Maybe’ is clearly a conscious recognition that some detractors will try to tar with the “cheap pop” brush. Ignore the haters, Kitty, keep rolling.

If you’re struggling with this column, feel free to Google “trolling”. Alternatively, tweet me @kadhimshubber with complex comparisons between Kitty Pryde and Aung Suu Kyi. If you’re struggling with that comparison, tweet @kttydothedishes and ask her to Google Aung Suu Kyi for you... Either way, this is my last column ever. It’s been fun. Thank you for indulging me, and letting me pretend I know anything about music...

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