
Increase in uptake of the NSS

We're going harder... on filling out the NSS

Increase in uptake of the NSS

There has been a large increase in the percentage of students filling in the NSS when compared to the same time last year.

The figures show that all departments except for Civil Engineering have a higher percentage. This has been attributed to the Department waiting until exams to remind students.

Those who do not fill out the NSS will start to receive calls soon asking them to complete the survey.

Doug Hunt, Deputy President (Education) was asked for comment on the NSS in general and said: “So last year the Union wrote a response to the 2011 NSS results, with clear recommendations to the College on how the education and the student experience at Imperial can be improved. From this a strict policy on how feedback should be given back in 14 days was developed and lecture podcasts were introduced due to this response. This year Paul and I gave an update to this response by awarding medals to the College on their progress. The College received 3 woods, 18 bronzes, 7 silvers and 7 golds. We also gave 3 new recommendations and included the Union’s strategic plan on how we intend to improve your satisfaction over the next year.

This time last year
This time last year

In the 2012 NSS a new question was added, which asked how satisfied final years were with their students’ union. At this part I would like to make clear that the Union is not just a bar, but is also made up of around 330 clubs and societies (highest number for any students’ union) and the 400+ academic reps (both UG and PG).”

Felix asked Hunt to comment on the current rate at which students are filling out the survey, and why the sudden increase. He replied: “The final years that are filling it in are currently destroying last year’s participation rate when you see the College is at a 45.7%, compared to 15.9% last year. This is due to both the academic reps and departmental staff pushing it hard from when it opened. On top of that, the highest in the country was 46.5%, so we could get the highest turnout in the UK, if everyone keeps up the good work.” He ended by reminding students to not “be neutral” when completing the survey.

The NSS is the National Student Survey. It is completed by all final year undergraduates, and is a factor in many university league tables. Imperial usually scores lower in satisfaction than other universities, particularly for the feedback section. For the results to even be counted, there are thresholds of responses.

The response rate can be tracked live here.