
The Imperial Series

Introducing the Imperial Series

This year Imperial Hub is hosting an exciting fortnightly series of interactive talks kicking off on the 31st of October at 6:00pm in Huxley LT 144 with an insight into the very big issue of Social Isolation in London and ways of combatting it. With our much awaited talk on Humanitarian Aid in Syria by Louay El-Adeb from Syria Relief taking place on November 7th.

Londoners are infamous for their cold indifference but social isolation in London is even more prevalent than commonly perceived and isn’t just an affliction of the elderly, it affects a wealth of different people including students. Helping tackle loneliness and social isolation therefore is one of the aims of Imperial Hub’s Local Action Committee who have organised the first event in The Series’ line up. The workshop will inform students of the issue and the projects that already exist within and without the college to combat social isolation.

Going from the local to the global, in true Hub style, the second talk of The Series is from Imperial Hub’s International Development Committee, focusing on humanitarian aid in Syria, a country in the midst of one of its most trying times in history. The talk will be given by Syria Relief’s Louay El Adeb who will provide an insight into the key issues on the topic before opening the floor to questions for discussion.

The Series is here to promote student awareness of current social, ethical and environmental issues across Imperial Hub’s seven action branches. For any student who has ever wanted to know more or do more to make a positive social impact and help shape a better world, The Series is the perfect springboard.

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