Successful week for RAG
RAG count up the money raised

Raising and Giving (RAG), the charity arm of Imperial College Union had their annual RAG Week during 11-15 February. It was a week of fun filled events that raise money for RAG’s chosen charities. David Goldsmith, RAG Chair, said “RAG took over Imperial.”

The thousands of pounds that have been raised will go towards International development, breast cancer research and Richard House children’s hospice in Newham.

RAG kicked off with a Bungee jump on the Queen’s Lawn, automatically raising awareness about RAG so that everyone knew what was happening. Other events included a cartoon collect, as Masquerade ball, a Secret Valentine service, and a RAG week raffle.

David Goldsmith commented, after the Bungee jump “we then ensued to raid the streets of London and shake passers-by by their ankles in searchof their spare change. We partied it up Penthouse-style on Valentines Day and guzzled on unlimited pizza on the Friday. We generated inconceivable levels of fun yet at the same time we raised heaps of cash for those in need. This is the true spirit of RAG. It is a driving force that brings students of Imperial together in order to do something good whilst having a hell of a great time doing it”