
Smokers told to stop lighting up by buildings

Students receive emails from Departments about the smoke free areas

Smokers told to stop lighting up by buildings

Students at Imperial College London have been receiving emails about smoking on the South Kensington campus. The purpose has been to remind students that they are not allowed to smoke by the entrances to buildings. The emails have been sent by the Heads of Departments, seemingly on the request of Facilities Management – suggested by one such email, forwarded on to students by the Head of the Department of Computing, showing the original sender (Mitul Shah, Assistant Building Manager) and recipients of the original email.

Students were reminded in the emails that “smoking is not permitted within the immediate vicinity of building entrances”. The policy is said to be “abused almost constantly during the working day” at the Huxley building’s entrance. There was also a link to the College’s smoke free policy in the emails, which details where smoking is and isn’t allowed.

Some Departments did not forward the email, but composed their own. In the email to Bioengineering students, Graeme Rae, Department Operations Manager, told students that it “does not present our university in the best light for visitors”, as well as mentioning the smell it causes in the reception area.

Signs have been placed around Huxley’s Main Entrance, and security will monitor the area and “advise any people smoking there that they should not be”. Nick Roalfe, Director of Facilities and Property Management, will raise the issues to any students or staff who are not complying with the smoke free policy.


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