It takes two to tango
Men must be included in feminism

The word feminism itself does not include men into the equation. Yet, men should be just as active as women in the movement towards gender equality. This should be the accepted norm, which it appears to be at university, as proven by the high percentage of guys involved in the Feminist society. Certain aspects of feminism should perhaps be solely dominated by women; but the majority of it must equally involve men in addressing gender inequalities. If society is to act, think and behave differently it will only occur through both sexes bringing about change. We women cannot make change alone for it always takes two to tango.
A man who supports a woman must be heralded by society as occurs vice versa. House husbands and stay at home dads must be lauded equally as their female equivalents. Our laws should reflect these sentiments, terms such as maternity and paternity leave should not exist. It should be parental leave, where the couple decides who takes time off and potential percentages. Let us scrap matriarchies and patriarchies, we need new ‘archies’.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson would not have become England’s first female Doctor without her father’s support. Just as President Obama, would not have become President without Michelle’s support. The fact of the matter is that great women have great men behind them and great men have great women behind them. People need to be pushed and supported from one another, regardless of gender and societies must work towards this and maintain it as status quo.
More men must define themselves as fathers and husbands on Twitter and other platforms. Just as women do. A man ought to feel at ease if his partner earns more and he should feel proud changing a nappy. A Mother should teach her sons how to ice buns and a Dad his daughters how to change a bog’s lift rod. Women should push men and men should support women in these actions. Of course, the pushing and supporting should swing both ways and applies to couples of every shape and form, whether they are gay, straight, transsexual, bi-sexual or bi-cultural etc.
Society, the media and our education systems must begeared towards this. Our societal values should place housewifery/husbandry on par with being a CEO. Women are typically in the former category and society typically has a higher respect for the latter. This must change. Equal respect and opportunity are the pillars upon which gender equality is and will continue to be built. And we women must work together with men to instil these changes.