
RCSU – Year in Review

With the RCSU Summer Ball just around the corner, James Tsim, RCSU President, talks about the year that has just gone by

RCSU – Year in Review

This academic year is coming to a close with exams and final year projects and soon the next RCSU committee will be taking the reins. We hope that you have enjoyed reading RCSU Broadsheet this year and keep reading next year! The RCSU this year has had fantastic turn-outs to events, with Freshers enjoying a taste of top class bars in Chelsea during our pub crawl, taking full advantage of our Autumn Ball to make friends and amazing discounts at the ‘RCSU Bookshop’. As usual Mascotry was rife in the RCSU, with us successfully acquiring the CGCU Spanner and Bolt during fresher’s fair which ultimately led to pieing of Temi Ladega (CGCU President). Freshers also got involved and I was surprised by a mysterious looking group of Freshers knocking on the office door carrying the Medics mascot (Phoenix costume).

First term was jam packed with career events from Ernst & Young and Deutsche Bank as well as innovative and informative lectures from the Imperial College Business School and Imperial Innovations. The aim was to build on the long term benefits for students and making them aware of the broad range of opportunities inside and outside of science. RCSU Welfare Week was also a big hit, with students fully exploiting the STI Clinic, Doctor Bike and Self-defence classes. On top of that students enjoyed the free smoothies which were handed out along with highly subsidised ice-skating. The Union does care about student welfare more than you think and with over 1000 free RCSU branded condoms handed out this year, I need not comment further on the sexual activity of students in the RCSU.

The joint CGCU-RCSU Winter Ball was a sell-out, held at an all exclusive venue with a £10,000 bar tab. Some people may question whether it was a good idea to let the engineers near our RCSU girls or whether £10,000 is too much. But a party with a gathering of around 700 Imperial students, this is the largest Imperial party preceeding Christmas and an awesome end to an awesome first term.

RCSU RAG this year has been extremely active such as helping in the organisation of a cake sale for charity. A few members of the RCSU team also took part in Movember to raise money for men’s health. Currently the RCSU is running a campaign and accepting donations to support the Bangladesh Factory disaster. Find out more by going to the RCSU’s Facebook page.

The start of 2013 saw the launch of the RCSU Science Challenge hosted by our Science Challenge Chair, Ryan Browne. This is our annual essay writing competition, which this year saw an additional twist with the addition of a video category. This competition was open to all Imperial students and a large range of secondary schools. With over £4000 worth of prizes, a trip to CERN and a final at the House of Lords, this is one of the largest science communication competitions in the UK. A big thank you to our judges, which this year included Lord Robert Winston, Sir Brian Hoskins, Sir Roy Anderson and Dr Jad Marrouche.

Towards Easter, the RCSU Spring Ball took place at the cosy Warwick Bar. The theme was Red & White, where we tried to challenge some of the conventions of a formal ball. Girls came dressed in beautiful red and white dresses, whilst many a man came in red chinos with a white shirt. The end of term also saw the RCSU Interdepartmental Quiz,where the Dep Socs came together to organise a successful quiz night, intellectually challenging many a student.

The end of academic year 2012/13 is fast approaching, so join the RCSU for a final party at Grace Bar on the 25th June 2013. Let’s end this year at the RCSU Summer Ball with a blast. £9000 has been placed behind the bar, so get ready for the PARTY OF THE YEAR! For those graduating there is a Final Year’s Dinner prior to this which comes with a champagne reception and 3 course meal.

Finally I hope that you have enjoyed the RCSU this year and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers in the RCSU committee for their hard work and wish the best of luck to Plabon Saha, RCSU President-elect.

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