
Energia Fitness fun day next week

Free classes on Wednesday 19 June for all students

Energia Fitness fun day next week

Free fitness classes will be held on the Energia Fitness Fun Day, which is on Wednesday 19 June, in Ethos. The Active Lifestyle Team is bringing the day to students and you do not need to be a member of Ethos to take part.

There will be special guests, such as “a mystery, world renowned Les Mills studio instructor” teaching a Body Pump class. Other special classes include Tai Chi on Prince’s Gardens and salsa dancing. To book a place in one of the studio classes, call Ethos on 020 7594 6660. For outdoor classes, you just need to turn up five minutes before the class starts. Pre-booking is recommended, as spaces are limited, especially for the indoor studio classes. More information can be obtained by emailing the team running the event on

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WiEE: Circuits, switches, transformers & resistors.


WiEE: Circuits, switches, transformers & resistors.

Last Wednesday, Felix was given exclusive insight into Women in Electrical Engineering’s (WiEE) seminal event aimed at inspiring the next generation of female engineers. The “Tech for Good Hackathon” welcomed 75 girls from secondary schools across London for a day of interactive activities showcasing the opportunities within the field

By Cara Hogg and Lara Begüm Yener