
Rugby team hits the headlines over stripping on tube platforms

First XV team suspended after exposing themselves on the Underground, identified whilst wearing their sports kit.

Rugby team hits the headlines over stripping on tube platforms

The Imperial College Rugby First XV team have been suspended pending investigation into reports that team members were stripping on a District Line tube.

The behaviour led to the train being terminated at Stamford Brook. All passengers were told to leave the train, and the police were called to the station.

The team, under the impression that the train was terminated due to a signal failure, left the station unaware of the unwanted attention they had attracted.

The reports, made in the Evening Standard, described how the tube train was taken out of service after playing the Rugby players started a “booze-fuelled stripping game on board.”

Members of the team were seen stripping on Richmond station, engaging in a game where they run onto the platform, strip to their boxers, then re-dress before the train doors close and the train pulls out again.

The group were identified due to their kit, which bore the Imperial College Rugby emblem. Team members were also seen to be swigging wine whilst on the tube.

A TfL spokeswoman said: "At around 5.30pm yesterday a train was held for about eight minutes at Stamford Brook station due to a customer incident.”

“It was then emptied of passengers and de-trained. The British Transport Police were called.”

A British Transport Police spokeswoman said: “Our officers were called to Stamford Brook London Underground station shortly after 5.30pm on Wednesday, 29th October, to reports of a group of naked men on a District Line train between Richmond and Upminster.”

James Cox, the first XV Captain, spoke to Felix. Cox said, “ We would like to clarify that this was an independent occurrence, it did not happen as a group. It was purely people acting out independent of the rugby team.

“This behaviour is completely out of nature, and steps will be taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Those involved will be disciplined, and I apologise on behalf of the club for any upset caused.”

Imperial College Union has suspended the team until an investigation takes place to establish exactly what happened.

The team in question has already met with the Union to start the process, although it could be a while before the team plays again. The investigation will be lead by the Sabbatical team, although there is no definitive answer as to when the investigation will be completed.

This follows from an incident last week, when an anonymous source revealed to _Felix _that the Medics 3rd Rugby Team were caught on camera running around naked, and urinating and vomiting at Heston.

It was purely people acting out independent of the rugby team. James Cox, first XV Captain

It is reported that the team are under a self-imposed ban to not drink at the venue for the next two months.

Abi de Bruin, Deputy President (Clubs and Societies) said that the Union will be launching an investigation next week into the Heston incident too.

The event occurred after the team were drinking at the Heston bar, named the Teddington Bar, or “Tedders,” in a nod towards the former medic sports ground that closed earlier this year. The team members then proceeded to run around the grounds naked.

Tom Wheeler, President of Imperial College Union, said to Felix: “Dariush and I are engaging with the Club Captain and Team Captain to ensure that a decent standard of behaviour is abided by when students are participating in Club-related social events.”

“Potential sanctions have not yet been decided, however continued poor behaviour such as this could result in punitive measures, such as reduction in or expulsion from BUCS."

He continued, "The behaviour that is being investigated in these two incidents is directly leading to some of our members being unable to participate in the Sport that they enjoy. The fact that there is a minority of students who believe that principles such as 'the law' and 'common decency' do not apply to them deeply concerns me. Despite the history of such behaviour, it needs to stop, with immediate effect. Both Imperial College Union and Sport Imperial have made it clear on a number of occasions this year that this behaviour has never been acceptable and will no longer be tolerated."

Sport Imperial declined to comment.

Correction: We have been told that despite the Union investigating the incident at Heston, no CCTV footage was directly released to the Union due to security restrictions. They were informed indirectly of the incident from an employee from Heston.

Also many people were suitably disgusted that we called Teddington "Teddy's." This was sourced from Tom Wheeler in a Council meeting, although we have now been told that it is actually "Tedders." Major apologies to all those rightly offended.

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