
RAG tells Rugby: ‘We don’t want your junk’

RAG drops Imperial Rugby from their Nude Calendar after Rugby made the national press.

RAG tells Rugby: ‘We don’t want your junk’

In light of recent events surrounding Imperial College Rugby Club, the RAG committee chose to remove the team from their naked calendar for 2015.

RAG Chair Ben Fernando said: “Following conversations with the Union, we made the decision to pull the photo from the calendar.” Fernando said that he held discussions with Chris Kaye, Deputy President (Welfare), and Alex Savell, Deputy President (Finance and Services), over the issue.

However when asked for a comment, Chris Kaye vehemently denied ever suggesting removing the picture to RAG.

The picture was taken last Thursday evening, with the decision to pull the picture taken later in the night. Fernando said that whilst it may have resulted in bad publicity, but it was a strong response from the Union.

It has since transpired that a member of the committee released the photo to the team, allegedly without the permission of Ben Fernando.

It was subsequently posted on Facebook, and has now gained more than 200 ‘likes’.

Fernando concluded by saying: “We thank all the other sports teams for offering to participate and we look to finalise these as soon as possible. We now have a month available if anyone else is interested.”

It was undecided which month Rugby would have taken in the calendar.

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