Bridge team place in London Cup
A great start to the year for bridge team

Imperial came back the proud owners of the second place trophy in last week’s London Cup – the annual inter-university bridge tournament attended by teams from around the UK.
The Imperial team came in second, narrowly losing out to the victors from Cambridge University in an incredibly tight score-line; after 48 rounds of play the final score saw Imperial and Cambridge with equal victory points and wins, only losing out when the head-to-head score was evaluated.
Imperial was represented by two other teams in the competition, and faced opposition from rival London universities LSE and UCL as well as a team who came down from Warwick.
The competition marked the first of this academic year’s bridge tournaments, and showed that despite losing some of the more experienced players at the end of last year Imperial is still a formidable force in the bridge world.
“It’s a good result to start the year on, and I hope that it’s indicative of the competitions to come” commented the club’s president.