
MTSoc are The Producers

This Tuesday, Imperial’s Musical Theatre society invited me to witness one of their final rehearsals – a full run through. And while it was bare bones up on the 10th floor of Physics, I still got to see all the singing, acting and dancing.

This Tuesday, Imperial’s Musical Theatre society invited me to witness one of their final rehearsals – a full run through. And while it was bare bones up on the 10th floor of Physics, I still got to see all the singing, acting and dancing.

The last thing I would describe myself as is a fan of musicals, but I have to say I left with a great smile on my face. The script and music are funny and witty on many levels, and though the student actors may not have the skills to fully deepen their characters, they certainly have a sense of humour. I laughed out loud on many occasions; the enthusiasm with which the whole cast pulled off their roles was simply infectious.

In many ways, the directing team has done great work: the movements of the crowd were intuitive and occasionally inventive, the chorus was always understood, and the more over-the-top characters were pulled off with flair. The smaller, subtler, dialogue scenes, such as the many between the two protagonists were less successful, and too broadly drawn.

What I haven’t seen is the set, the costumes, the lighting, the props, or heard the live band. I know all too well that these elements can make or break a show. The wonderful coordination of the chorus could disintegrate on the narrower stage in the Union. So too, the lighting and costumes could easily distract from the real, simple strengths of this script. On the other hand, I’ve heard talk of a revolving stage used for scene changes, and clever use of this could certainly enhance the pacing of the plot.

The first ‘Producers’ film came out in 1968 the franchise has since grown in popularity. MTsoc showed me that they have the bones of a successful reproduction at hand, but the flesh will have to be layered on carefully – the risk of mutilation is great.

_The Producers in being performed in the Union Concert Hall in Beit Quad, 19th, 20th, and 22nd March at 7.30pm and 21st March at 6pm and 9.30pm. Tickets £8, £6 students. _

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