Imperial students attempt to organise a "Jihad themed" orgy through Secrets Facebook page
More highbrow reporting from Felix as we find out just what the hell went on

The Imperial Secrets facebook page has lent itself as a platform to a lot of odd posts, but one took a bizarre turn when it resulted in emails being sent to students inviting them to a “Jihad themed” orgy.
A post made on the page last week included an online survey asking people to sign up for the orgy. The survey asked students where it should take place, attendee eligibility, and for potential theme suggestions.
Over 200 people replied to the survey. The gender split of those that replied was reflective of the Imperial ratio as a whole.
Subsequent comments promoting the survey on the Imperial Secrets post were made by a fake profile, named “The-Orgy Master.” The profile photo was a rather erotic snap of what appeared to be an eastern Asian family in their underwear, potentially taken in the eighties.
The Facebook profile, and the survey asking people to take part in an orgy, were managed by four first-year students of Imperial. The students are a mixture of males and females from the chemistry and engineering departments, but they are unaware of who runs Imperial Secrets.
They spoke to Felix about the stunt, and why they did it. “On seeing the Imperial Secrets page we saw there was a high demand of students with frustrated sexual needs."
“At first it was just a joke but after seeing 200 people sign up to the event we thought it might be interesting to see if people would buy tickets, 4 of whom did.”
Students who signed up through the survey were sent a confirmation email from, which is jointly run by the four students. The email stated that the theme of the orgy would be “JIHAD.” It also informed them that tickets would be below £15 and would cover the costs of a hotel room, condoms, masks and alcohol.
The email also requested that people send photos “for judgement NOW,” to decide on who could take part. It went on to gallantly state that “judgement of girls will be very lenient but still send a picture!”, though the authors were also generous enough to offer free tickets to those that send in “female jihad costume pictures”.
The students told us that the “Jihad” theme was not the only preference cited by those that filled in their form. They said to Felix: “Many [of the themes suggested] were worse than jihadi. We just found that one humorous - plus we don't stand for terrorism so why not ridicule it?”
The students told us other themes suggested via the online survey included, but were not limited to, Hitler, a Children’s party, S&M, Teletubbies and, the most Imperial-sounding of them all, one based on the Periodic Table of elements. Apparently those who are lonely could have attended as “one of the noble gases.”
The fake Facebook profile later confirmed that “four people had purchased tickets,” and stated the names of the students in full. These were taken down a few days later, although were publically viewable for anyone who clicked on the profile through the Imperial Secrets page, currently approaching 3,000 likes.
Felix contacted the students named as ticket buyers, and those that replied said they were unhappy being named in full on such a public profile. The students have also said that as far as they are aware, no money has changed hands. Some told us that they were just signed up by friends as a joke.
However two were particularly upset, as they didn’t think their names would be made so public. Said one: “I am frankly annoyed that any information was released. It's really not okay to do this kind of thing.”
The students behind the page said they were sorry for publishing the names, and “As a group [we] apologise deeply for any harassment or abuse that may have ensured.”
The final question is, will the orgy be taking place? Sadly it seems, it will not. Concluded the four students behind the stunt: “Logistics would have been too difficult.”
Back to the drawing board then.