Imperial’s Charity Week raises over £61,000
Over £750,000 was raised internationally

This week it was announced that Imperial College’s Islamic Society (ISoc) have managed to raise £61,648.31 for good causes as part of Charity Week.
The week included street collections, the ‘Smoky not Smudgy’ fashion event, a climb up Mount Snowdon, and the annual Charity Week dinner and auction. This year the bid for a mosque-shaped cake reached a whopping £2200, and a teddy bear was bought by ISoc and Muslim Medics for two grand.
The gang also sold hoodies, organised a charity football tournament, and held a conference on ‘Overcoming Obstacles’, inviting speakers from the UAE and US to speak on the topic in SAF.
Charity Week began in the year 2000, as a combined effort between the University of London Union’s ISoc network. It’s now an international campaign, with ISocs from the UK, the US, and Qatar, now involved.
Over £750,000 was raised this year in the UK, which is an increase of 22 grand on last year’s final figure. £435,000 of this was raised by students at London universities.Last year, ISoc broke their own record by raising a mammoth £83,401.70.
Not a charity in its own right, Charity Week operates in partnership with Islamic Relief.
“The members of the ISOC have worked tremendously hard throughout the summer and first part of the term to make Charity week the success that it is,” said Jawaad Farooq, ISoc’s President.
“We’re proud and humbled that we have this opportunity to make a positive difference in the world during our time at university.”
There will be a poll to determine how the funds are spent. As well as funding care for newborns in Gaza, students can nominate to aid Syrian Refugees with psychosocial support and education, as well as other projects in Malawi, Pakistan, India, Myanmar and the UK.