
Immortals lose to Birmingham 41-0

A disappointing scoreline ahead of their final game of the season next Sunday 22nd February

Valentines Day was a special day in every Immortal’s heart this year as it saw us travel to Birmingham to take on the best team in the country. After taking five hours to get to the pitch after multiple motorway closures and heavy traffic on Country Roads, the mood on the bus was a little down but C’est La Vie and Blame It On The Weatherman for the fog causing accidents. Once we arrived in Birmingham to face the Lions the mood switched to one of focus after seeing the 90-man Birmingham horde we were to face. The Immortals kicked off to start the game, only an hour and a half late, and Birmingham returned well. The Immortals defence came out firing and Arjav picked off the Lions quarterback in our own end-zone.

This is when the Immortals hard-running, ground and pound offence came on to have a go at the best defence in the country. All things considered it went pretty well, we ran hard and picked up some first downs but ultimately had to punt it away. Birmingham showed real skill in their special teams throughout the game and returned the ball for good field position where their offence punched the ball in for a touchdown.

This winning formula spelled the rest of the game out for the Lions; we would pick up some first downs, run hard, pass well but always punt which is when they would get a good return and score. The Immortals troubles came in the second half, being 21-0 down and having played a tough, physical half of football.

The defence were working hard against a team that were well-drilled and hard hitting and managed to block a PAT kick to deny Birmingham an extra point after a touchdown. The final Immortals offensive drive saw D’Emanuel Olagbaju, the battering ram, get injured and Birmingham called all three of their time outs to force the Immortals into one last ill-fated punt. Some may say that the fact they were already winning 41-0 makes this a douchemove by Birmingham but I couldn’t possibly comment. The Immortals punted the ball and gave a good chase but saw two of the starting offensive line, Henry ‘Now Has An Even Uglier Head’ Turner and Sam ‘Permabroken’ Hill take heavy hits to the head and go off the field with concussions.

The defence went onto the pitch determined not give up any more points; they played hard, physical football and denied the Lions again and again until the game was over. Despite the heavy final score line, 41-0, the Immortals played a good game of football considering the roster size difference and the number of key players including G.Orab and Mini Harry Collini playing both offense and defence.

The Immortals look forward to the final game of the regular season next Sunday 22nd February against the Baths Killer Bees. Having narrowly lost to Bath away earlier in the season it is a game that the Immortals are more than keen to win.

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