The MPs that are now representing you
Unsurprisingly, they're mostly conservative reports Philippa Skett

Areas around South Kensington saw the expected election of several Conservative MPs, although popular student haunt Hammersmith did see the re-election of their current Labour MP, Andy Slaughter.
Chelsea and Fulham saw the re-election of conservative Greg Hands, who held a majority with 25,322 votes. He powered past Labour Candidate Alexandra Sanderson who only commanded 9,300 votes exactly. Hands also acted as the Conservative party Deputy Chief Whip during the campaign.
During campaigning, Hands had stressed the importance of increasing the number of “excellent” state schools in the area, and was keen to point out that under his previous five year tenure unemployment in the area has fallen by half.
When asked about the demolition of Charing Cross hospital before his election, Hands had said that the Conservatives do plan to demolish the concrete tower block, but only after the introduction of a brand new hospital, with an Accident and Emergency.
“The rebuilding will leave it capable of providing even better services in the future, becoming a leading centre of excellence for elective surgery.”
Hands has also led a long-running campaign for more frequent and upgraded trains on the District Line, focussing particularly on the Wimbledon branch.
After he was announced as winner in the early hours of Friday morning, Hands said: “We have won well across the country. People have shown confidence in David Cameron and the Conservatives and our long-term economic plans.”
The Kensington conservative safe seat saw the election of the former deputy mayor of London, Lady Victoria Borwick.
Borwick won the seat with 18,199 votes, surpassing Labour candidate Rob Adouharb’s 10,838 votes. Lib Dem candidate, Robin McGhee received only 1,962 votes in total, although still managed to beat Green and UKIP candidates.
Borick said to local paper getwestlondon: Lady Borwick said: “I’m honoured to be elected.
“Kensington is not just home to the rich and famous. I live here and grew up here. I know there is a lot of people here who need help. I will make sure they get everything they need.
“The key areas are the best health provision, excellent schools and housing.
“I’m a seven-day-a-week councillor. I do not disappear off to Scotland every weekend. I’m going to make sure I am here for the people as much as possible.”
Borwick opposes the mansion tax, and whilst campaigning she vowed to fight the proposed taxes on high value homes.
She does support the renegotiation of the conditions of the UK’s EU membership, and states on her website that: “Maintain the sense of family and community that makes Kensington such a special place to live.”
The Hammersmith constituency saw the re-election of Andy Slaughter, a Labour MP who has represented the area since 2010. Slaughter won with 23,981 votes, beating Conservative candidate Charlie Dewhirst, who received 17,463 votes, with the Lib Dems coming in third ahead of Greens and UKIP.
Slaughter’s previous campaigns have included petitioning against hospital closures in the area, opposing the proposed third Heathrow runway, and addressing the “Hammersmith Housing Crisis.”
Imperial’s South Kensington campus is actually split between two constituencies, with half of the buildings residing in the Cities of London and Westminster constituency and the other half falling under Kensington.
All buildings north of Imperial College Road, which runs in front of SAF and the chemistry buildings are in the Cities of London and Westminster constituency. These include halls of residence in Princes Gardens and Beit quad.
The Cities of London and Westminster constituency saw the re-election of Conservative Mark Field, who commanded 54.1% share of the vote.
Field received 19,570 votes, beating Labour Candidate Nik Slingsby who received 9,899 votes and Lib Dem Belinda Brooks-Green, who received 2,521 votes. Field has been MP for the constituency since 2001, and the Cities of London and Westminster is very much so a conservative safe seat.
Field has previously been involved with securing the future development of Bart’s hospital and also St Mary’s, part of Imperial College. He was a vocally opposed the “tent city” of anti-capitalist protesters that camped outside of St Paul’s in 2011.
In 2014 he launched “Conservatives for Managed Migration,” a working group designed “to promote a calm, reasoned debate about immigration.”
Although turnout in this General Election stood at 66.1%, the highest turnout seen since 1997, turnout in parts of west London was considerably lower. 43.2% of those registered to vote in Kensington failed to make it to the polling stations, whilst 33.4% of those in registered in Hammersmith didn’t cast their vote either.
Nationally, if those who did not vote formed a party, the “Did Not Vote” party, they would have won 343 seats overall.