Drug Bible | MDMA 101
This one's for the club kids

What it does
First thing’s first, 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (which is handily abbreviated to MDMA) is the active ingredient in ecstasy pills. Within half an hour the buzz kicks in and can last anywhere from three to six hours. This energy buzz is what caused E’s rise to prominence in conjunction with the dance and rave culture of the 80s and 90s, allowing all night parties to live up to their name. Bucketloads of serotonin and dopamine are released, generally making everything feel better.
Careful though, as this energy buzz can subside rather quickly, resulting in anxiety, paranoia and generally not a great time. Word to the wise :what you take is usually nowhere near pure and is likely ‘cut’ with some nasty stuff which could have any number of side effects.
How you use it
Ecstasy comes in two main forms, a solid pill or just as a crystalline powder. The various weird nicknames for the drug shown above (Rolex, Mitsubishi etc.) come from little icons that are often imprinted on the pills. The pills are, naturally, swallowed but the powder can be taken in a number of ways. These include, but are probably not limited to: snorting, smoking, and dabbing (not that kind of dab) it onto your gums. You can also wrap the powder in a cigarette paper and then swallow that, essentially making your own pill. Because of the delayed impact of the high, users often take a second dose presuming the first hasn’t worked leading to a double whammy when they both kick in. Mo’ MD, mo’ problems.
MDMA in any of its forms is straight-up illegal. In the UK it’s a classified drug (Class A), meaning you can’t possess it, sell it, or even give it away. Simple possession can result in a prison sentence of up to seven years, in addition to an unlimited fine, and the police are pretty much obligated to give you some form of formal caution regardless of how much you have on your person. This is the norm worldwide, with Ecstasy falling under a UN agreement. Funily enough, a slip-up in Ireland last year meant that for a day it was legal to possess and buy Ecstasy as well as a whole host of other drugs before emergency legislation was passed.

Some statistics
According to the crime survey of England and Wales, roughly 1 in 20 people consumed the drug in the past year, with it being the third most taken drug behind cocaine and cannabis. MDMA-related deaths are on the up in the UK with 50 people dying last year, linked to a rise in stronger, more pure pills and powders.
- Keep some chewing gum handy (you grind your teeth when rolling)
- Listen to music
- Channel that impulsive twitch into creative and erratic dancemoves
- Make new friends
- Express your feelings and partake in bonding experiences (not bondage experiences)
- Drink too much water (might cause brain swelling)
- Do any tasks that require sitting still
- Tell people you love them (because you probably don’t)
- Eat like a horse (you’ll likely throw up)
- Mix with a downer (a depressant drug) or alcohol. Although, this is controversial advice. If you’re struggling with drug use, visit talktofrank.com