When pineapples fight back
Another one of Mr Aran Shaunak’s Little Bites of Science

Fact: pineapples are the only food to try to eat you while you eat them.
You read that right: pineapples are actually flesh eating monsters. The zombie apocolypse is upon us.
Pineapples contain an enzyme, called Bromelain, which is released when you chow down on your favorite tropical treat. It targets and breaks down a range of proteins in your mouth, and can cause anything from strange sensation to bleeding gums. Given that Bromelain is also used to tenderize meat, you could call this the equivalent of punching yourself in the mouth repeatedly.
In fact, if you left a slice of pineapple on your tongue for a week it would completely dissolve it (disclaimer: do not try this at home). Luckily, most of us can chew faster than that, and once you swallow, your stomach acid inactivates the enzyme, rendering this foul beast harmless. Even better, the body will quite happily replace the damaged cells in your mouth, leaving no lasting damage. Man 1, Pineapple nil.
So there you have it. Pineapples: Delicious, nutritious and surprisingly aggressive.