
Batons, Bevs and Baked Potatoes

Hyde Park Relays 2016 proves yet again that Valentine’s Weekend is better with a hangover

Batons, Bevs and Baked Potatoes

Some say that it’s the most prestigious and largest event known to Imperial’s Cross Country and Athletics society, others say that it’s merely a warm-up jog in preparation for a night of serious shape-throwing in the beloved Metric. Either way, it’s left undeniable that the Hyde Park Relays of 2016 proved to be the highlight of many students’ Valentine’s Weekend.

Hyde Park Relays (more lovingly referred to as HPR) is a historic event, comprising a mass student relay race hosted by ICXC&AC which welcomes both internal teams, often sporting fabulous fancy dress, Cross County teams across the UK and even stretches out to regular European visitors, such as ‘Poznan Uni of Economics’ and ‘The Flying Dutchmen’. Women’s teams are composed of four warriors, with six machines running for both men and mixed teams. Each runner covered a 5km route twisting round the delightful paths of Hyde Park. Following the event, the teams are rewarded with what is rumoured to have been described this year as a ‘Michelin star standard’ feast in the world renowned SCR ft baked potatoes and fruit squash, before the grand results ceremony.

Now in its 67th year, prizes were taken to a new level and presented as engraved running batons and an array of sporty goodies, with podium positions up for grabs for the following: fastest individual male and female legs (meaning laps, but also in the literal sense); and the three fastest teams amongst mens, womens, and mixed for both internal, external, halls. and international entries. Celebrations then run well into the early hours of Sunday morning as Metric is overtaken by the hoard of elated and Jaeger fuelled athletes.

This year saw no lapse in the heroics of the race. Gathering in a somewhat dreary and cold Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon, over 100 teams turned up to battle their way up the results table and promptly donned themselves in their respective fancy dress outfits, tribal face paints or, for the more serious runners, in some criminally short shorts. As well as Universities such as Bristol, Reading and UCL retaining their usual attendance, this year saw appearances from honourable Imperial teams such as ‘I thought you said rum’ and ‘C++ and chill’ as well as representatives for many of the Halls, clubs and societies such as Swim and Waterpolo and, of course, ICXC&AC. Despite the ‘nippy’ wind many teams finished with PBs set, sweat dripping and, most importantly, happy faces; although maybe this was in anticipation of the dinner awaiting them over in Uni.

6pm saw the teams gather in the SCR, freshly showered and ready for the night to begin, where food was served by members of ICXC&AC, even providing second courses for those who had run up a serious hunger. Results this year were outstanding: fastest male and female legs were awarded to ICXC&AC’s own Sarah Johnson (17:23) and Chris Olley (14:39). Meanwhile the internal awards saw ‘The Gents’ promenade away with fastest male team and ‘TriIC women’s A’ sprint their way to victory for the ladies. Oxford and Cambridge gave IC a run for their money, taking 1st and 2nd place respectively for both the male and female external teams. However, IC was hot on their heels, with 3rd place for the external men’s and 4th for the women’s. On the other side of the pond, ‘Poznan Uni of Economics 2’ and ‘The Flying Duchesses’ skipped away with 1st international team back for males and females respectively. Wilson Halls skidded in with 1st place for Halls teams.

After the prizes the teams descended to the Union for what is undeniably Metric’s best night of the year with international boat races and many, many Jagerbombs. As the night progressed the famous Hyde Park Relays horn was unleashed onto the dance floor with dire consequences. The rest of the night descended into a blur for most but it was undoubtedly the best way to break into Valentine’s Day.

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