This week on Game of Thrones
Spoilers, obviously

A third of the way through the season and it’s really starting to get going. We pick up at the Wall where Jon apparently had to pop back into Castle Black after storming off last episode (“Jon you’ll need a coat! You of all people should know winter is coming!”). We then get the first of the episode’s many reunions when Sansa and Jon meet for the first time since back at the start of Season one. They have a really heart-warming scene reminiscing about Winterfell and Sansa attempts to convince Jon to take it back from Ramsay. (“Hey brother I used to be a dick to! Wanna go murder my ex?”). Brienne also walks over to Davos and Mel just to let them know that she murdered Stannis, the man they gave their lives to. She’s not the best at making friends, is she?
We then head back to the Vale (get your maps out, folks) where Irish Batman (or Littlefinger, as he prefers to be called) drops in to threaten an old man then manipulate a teenager. Standard Littlefinger stuff really, not sure that even he knows exactly what the plan is there.
Tyrion’s scene was a great return to the diplomacy from season two, just in Meereen. Turns out, no matter where you are, you can get ahead in negotiations by employing prostitutes. Take notes business students. There were hints of the former slaves being unhappy about the terms that were reached but we’ll just have to wait and see how this turns out for the dwarf and eunuch (isn’t that the name of a pub?).
Super Daario and Jorah the Explorah have an argument about who’s going to bang Dany before finding Vaes Dothrak and sneaking in unarmed. Except Daario stashed a knife. It’s just who he is. We get another quick scene of Dany in the bingo club before she storms out, finding the boys and hatching a plan.
We then return to King’s Landing and it’s Margaery’s turn to appear on the High Sparrow’s talk show. They have a bit of bible study before he begins reminiscing about some orgy he went to a while ago after he made some bitching shoes and sends Margaery to speak with Loras. He’s completely broken at this point; apparently there’s torture worse than getting read to by a nun.
Cersei asks Tommen what the old man has been telling him and Tommen says he promised not to tell his parents. Nothing odd there. Cersei and Jaime storm into the small council chambers to plot with the Tyrells to overthrow the Faith Militant and save Margaery before she has to repeat Cersei’s walk of shame. I’m not entirely sure that Incest Team Rocket can be trusted on this one; Cersei doesn’t seem too worried about the upcoming Trial by Combat so there’s not much gain for her in this deal as far as I can see.
Another return to the Iron Isles with Theon. Yara makes a couple of dick jokes at his expense before he makes her feel bad by crying and pledging to help her become Queen at the Kingsmoot. I’m not too sure what a tortured, cockless guy with missing fingers can do to help exactly but I’m sure the gesture is appreciated anyway.
Darth Ramsay has a quick scene where a woman tries to have sex with him and then he stabs her in the throat. I can’t imagine Osha’s actress was thrilled getting her script for this season
Afterwards, we head back to Castle Black to a meal fraught with sexual tension between Brienne and Tormund with Edd looking on with an expression of horror. A Bolton man arrives with a letter for Jon. To paraphrase; “Come at me bro, I’m proper mental. P.S. Gimme my wife back”. Ramsay was never one for subtlety. Tormund then pledges the Wildling army to help Jon.
For the episode’s finale, we head back to Vaes Dothrak where Dany is under judgment. The Dothraki continue to, surprisingly, be the comic relief, having a couple of great lines. For the trial, however, Dany’s not the most diplomatic sort so her idea of a defence argument is calling the judges a bunch of pussies and setting the courthouse on fire. She then strolls out and welcomes the gathered horde bowing to her. I guess she’s a big believer in ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it’.
Certainly the best of the season so far, this episode had a big theme of reunions and brother sister team ups. It also really got things moving in many of the storylines that had been treading water a bit, it really is starting to feel like we’re building up to the finale now.
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