This week’s science picture
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Coral bleaching has severely impacted the Great Barrier Reef over the past month. The corals, which are in constant competition with algae for light and nutrients, seem to be losing the battle, with many bleached coral skeletons completely engulfed in algae. Pictures and testimonials from Lizard Island have been painting a grim picture of ghastly, brown, decomposing coral. WWF Australia shared pictures taken last month of granite Island ‘ground zero’ where a mass bleaching event killed an estimated 22% of the reef’s coral.
The Great Barrier Reef is currently undergoing its worst bleaching in recorded history. Approximately 93% of the reefs along the 2,300 kilometre site have suffered bleaching. Coral bleaching occurs when water temperatures increase causing coral to expel their symbiotic algae which in turn result in their white-grey colour shift.