Let the mascotry wars begin
CGCU stole the RSMU and RCSU mascots last night, and issued their demands this morning

The City and Guilds College Union (CGCU) have stolen Theta and the Davy Lamp, the mascots of the Royal College of Science Union (RCSU) and the Royal School of Mines Union (RSMU) respectively.
The raid occurred last night, during the evening of Halloween. The respective heads of the RSMU and RCSU were contacted around midday today, with a list of demands, including that their Presidents must wear CGCU-branded clothing, their committee members must bow to all CGCU committee members, and a CGCU-branded tie must be tied around the mascots next time they are displayed.
Representatives of CGCU issued the following statement to Felix: “It was only 16:12 on a cold bleak Tuesday afternoon. The sun had almost completed its journey across the sky above the South Kensington campus, when 5 heroes of the CGCU – under a blanket of secrecy and a veil of mystery – liberated Theta, the infamous mascot of the RCSU. ‘Twas the eve of hallow, the ghouls, witches and creatures of dark began their annual prowl. As night consumed the monolith of Queen’s tower, our courageous Guildspeople – knights in red and ivory herein performed another successful, daring raid. At 132lbs, the Davy Lamp, the venerated mascot of the RSMU, shone out from its secret hiding place. Though not lit, it shone no warning to its former masters, yet felt as light as a feather as it was translocated across campus, into the open arms of the CGCU. The Davy Lamp and Theta the Thermometer will remain captive until the CGCU ransom demands are met. We ask you all to keep on guard and watch out for the RCSU and RSMU Presidents adorned in handsome CGCU Regalia.”
The practice of stealing other CU mascots is known as ‘mascotry’. Last year a Union Council paper was passed updating the rules governing mascotry, including that a capture must not contravene UK law, that the mascot should be returned promptly following ransom demands being met, and that ransom demands must not be against the law.
_Update: CGCU's possession of the mascots was short lived. RSM managed to steal back the Davy Lamp, as well as the CGCU's Spanner, but the CGCU then reclaimed their Spanner. RCSU have stolen CGCU's Bolt, but CGCU retain possession of Theta. Felix does not really know what is happening._