
Here’s what I’m up to at the moment!

LGBT+ Officer Alessio Incitti takes us through what he's been doing.

My number one priority for this year is to ensure Imperial becomes a more safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for transgender & gender-variant students. In the last few months I’ve been working to secure lasting advances for the Imperial trans community. Action I’m taking includes:

  • Bringing attention to transgender issues in Union Council and in the Community and Welfare Board (CWB), where Departmental Wellbeing Representatives also sit.
  • Devising plans with the Union President and the Deputy President (Welfare) to advance LGBT+ inclusivity and representation at all levels of the Union.
  • Lobbying College Estates Facilities to label as gender-neutral all single-cubicle (accessible) toilets in all buildings.
  • Reviewing key Union policies to include non-binary people and proposing relevant changes, which so far have successfully been passed by the Community and Welfare Board.
  • Actively participating in the review of a College’s policy draft aimed at supporting transgender students.
  • Taking seriously all of your reports and bringing up recommendations on how to address these issues to the Officer Trustees and the CWB.
  • Collecting direct feedback from you directly on which direction to go. This happened first in an initial focus group in July and I’m still regularly asking for feedback and suggestions inImperial LGBT+ Community.

Additionally, I am also researching ways to raise awareness about gender identity, correct use of pronouns, and the meaning of inclusivity in the Imperial community. If you’d like to get on board with this, please do get in touch!

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