
Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, dodge

Dodgeball is a fast paced, new and exciting sport. The concept is very simple, there are two teams competing and the aim of the game is to get everyone out by either hitting them with the ball or catching their throws.

Imperial Dodgeball is a fun and social club for people of all abilities, ranging from those who have never played before to full international players. As a club we are growing each year both off and on the dodgeball court. Last year our first team, while enjoying socials ranging from Brick Lane curry to trampoline dodgeball, won a national University League. Over 7 rounds, competing against 7 other university teams, our first team took the title creating fantastic montage clips along the way whether it be diving or double catches. The success wasn’t limited however just to them, as our second team also won the plate in the London Tournament with a highlight reel of face shots and falling off the court.

We want to continue this success, and we are aiming to enter, and win, both the men’s and women’s leagues this year. If you want to help us win or just blow off some steam join us at Ethos Wednesday 9-10pm or Friday 5-6pm. For any of you lucky Woodwardians we have a session in iGym Saturday 10am-12pm. Or just come and find our team at sports night.

To quote a great man, “Imperial Dodgeball is a fun and social club for people of all abilities”. Throw Together, Dodge Alone

For more information, email, follow us on Twitter @ICDodgeball, or visit our website:

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Imperial Rugby kick off this year with trials and pints

Imperial Rugby kick off this year with trials and pints

Imperial rugby preseason kicked off on Monday 18th September, resulting in a rag-tag crew of motley looking seniors and fresh-faced freshers gathering at Ethos. Among the new faces were reliable fellas such as Amin, Michael, and Jacob, as well as a Lord Farquaad impersonator and a nervous young fresher called

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