Your new sabbs are here
You can forget about elections for the rest of the year

Following a 36.79% turnout (down a bit from last year but still the third-highest in the country according to the Union website), elections are finally over and winners have been announced. As previously reported, out of the 21 candidates standing for sabbatical positions, only 13 were ever serious contenders. Of the five candidates running for Union President, only one submitted a manifesto and headshot. It’s hardly surprising then that this position went to Alex Chippy Compton. Having spent the past year as ICSMSU President and previously held more than a dozen positions on society committees, she certainly appears to have the practical understanding required to enact her campaign pledges.
Running a clear and concise campaign (the three key points of which handily spelled out his name), your new Deputy President (Clubs & Societies) is Thomas Bacarese-Hamilton. One of four medics elected to a sabbatical position, Thomas has promised to provide better training for volunteers and improve the transparency and management of societies.
Nicholas Burstow also favoured a three-point plan. The aims of the newly elected Deputy President (Education) can be essentially summarised as a desire to increase communication between students and staff— something he already has experience with in his role as the current ICSM Academic Affairs Officer.
Hoping to collaborate with Nick is Fintan O’Connor, the new Deputy President (Welfare). The two positions are “inextricably linked” and cover areas such as student support and better access to personal tutors, which Fintan described in his manifesto as “a lucky dip”. His remit will also include important issues such as mental health and sexual assault and consent. As CGCU Welfare Officer, Fintan has worked closely with the current DP (Welfare) so is a promising pick for next year.
Meanwhile, the position of Deputy President (Finance & Services) goes to Matthew Blackett. This is a seemingly apt choice given his studies at the Business School and various “positions of financial responsibility”. Promises of pre-poured pints probably didn’t do him any harm either. Finally, next year sees Fred Fyles ascend from Culture Editor to Editor-in-Chief at felix after being involved in the paper for the past five years. He has pledged to protect felix from Union interference, encourage more student involvement, develop our digital strategy, and enhance collaboration with other societies. A focus on investigative journalism will also help us to hold the College, Union, and new sabbs to account.
So you’ve done your civic duty (or at least 6704 of you did) and it’s over. With that, you can stop caring (or, more accurately, pretending to care) about elections. At least for a few months.