Chemical spill causes closure of RSM
Four ambulances and two fire engines were called to the site

Earlier today the Royal School of Mines (RSM) building had to be closed off while a crew of firefighters investigated a potential chemical spill.
Emergency services were called to the site after a member of staff detected an unidentified smell in one of the labs following the movement of a bottle. This resulted in the closing off of Prince Consort Road and the dispatch of two fire engines and four ambulances.
It remains unclear what the unidentified chemical which the member of staff detected was. One student told felix it might have been Hydrochloric Acid, a clear, poisonous liquid which is highly corrosive, meaning it immediately causes severe damage, such as burning, on contact.
Another student in a neighbouring lab told felix "I was in the lab next door and it smelled so chemically."
The staff member responsible for identifying the smell and three students were taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.
Control of the RSM building was handed back to College earlier this afternoon
The staff and students affected have since been discharged according to a College spokesperson.
College will be investigating the incident further. The RSM building is now operating again.