
Jazz and Rock fans still homeless

Shock and horror. JK

Jazz and Rock fans still homeless

The summer term might be here but Jazz and Rock fans don’t see no light in that long, long tunnel affectionately referred to as the Jazz and Rock redevelopment. Not yet anyway. The practice room was meant to have been delivered to students by the end of April but it seems the works are still ongoing. The room is still in need of electrical work which is not to be completed until Monday the earliest. The most recent estimate for the completion of the works is two weeks from now. “Having waited literally years, two more weeks isn’t the end of the world, says James Stanley Targett, Jazz and Rock chair and all-round campus personality. “It’s still annoying though.”

In response, ICU President Nas Andriopoulos told felx that the Union has “been clear all along that the priority is to ensure the work succeeds and with a project that possesses such technical challenges everyone has been working with that aim as paramount, rather than rushing for hasty completion. The Jazz & Rock Society President and other student-users have been involved at every stage – even choosing the location of plug sockets and colour of the walls!”

This is the latest in a series of waves of delays. The £1 million refurbishment was originally delivered back in 2014 but a number of sound isolation complications meant the closure of the practice room. Three years and over a quarter of a million later, attempts to mitigate sound insulation are still underway. This marks the third delay the project has suffered this year alone. Hopefully the end to this saga should be near but one Jazz and Rock member that would like to stay anonymous points out that all bets are off until delivery. “My only real worry now is what the fuck happens if the soundproofing hasn’t actually worked.” Yours and mine both buddy. Yours and mine both.

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