

Issue 1660


Chill. Happy thoughts. Breathe in, breathe out. This issue is about self-care, which ideally would have involved me taking a holiday and getting my tan on, maybe on a small, secluded beach in the Canary Islands. But obviously I can’t just leave you guys hanging. How are you supposed to do the puzzles and stare at naked people if we don’t put together an entire 40-page package of content?

I kid. Obviously felix is part of my self-care/self-harm routine, as it is for many of our editors and writers. Which is why this felt like a natural theme for us to go along with (in case you’re wondering where all the self-care content is #stfu).

At the same time this is a very appropriate time for a self-care issue. Everyone is at their limits, having miraculously endured another term at Imperial. Whether you guys just finished your exams, or you’re about to start them, or your final-year project is about to kick off, or you have a viva to prepare for, or a dissertation that you’re frantically writing, or you’re being put through any of the countless torture mechanisms Imperial has meticulously developed... maybe just take a break. Watch that movie you’ve been meaning to watch since the beginning of term. Or read that book that’s been sitting on your bedside table since Xmas. Or sit by the window staring at the ceiling while you’re eating a tub of Ben&Jerry’s. You know, treat yo’ self. Especially if you’ve been running an election campaign. Stop worrying. You’re gonna win. It’s not like you have any competition. And if you don’t win, embrace the miracle which will allow you to get on with your life and enter the real world where taking breaks is a legit thing.

I’m serious. Take care of yourself ‘cause it’s not like there’s anyone else around to pick up the slack.

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