
IC 3s beat GKT!

The Netball girls are gearing up for this year’s Varsity, practicing with a closely-run game against GKT, in which they emerged victorious.

IC 3s beat GKT!

In the run up to Varsity, the 3s showed fighting spirit and cohesive team play in their match against GKT. Although it was a tough match, with only seven players and no subs and GKT being higher in the league than us – we were the winning team with a close score of 34-32. We started the game well with a 2-point score lead, with defence showing consistent fighting spirit, getting many interceptions and turnovers as well as centre court and attack working well together around the D especially.

Although the 2nd and 3rd quarter were intense and very fast paced, we managed to maintain our point lead throughout with the player of the match going to both defence (GD and GK) – Emily Jones and Ren Elvidge. Well done to these girls who played to a high standard consistently throughout the match, getting the largest turnovers as of yet! We hope to continue this amazing match play in hopes of taking home the gold medal at varsity.

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