IC Netball take on Brighton town
The netball team heads down to the south coast for a weekend of dancing, drinking, and cheesy chips. Oh, and maybe some netball…

To start the year with an absolute bang, IC Netball went to Brighton for one epic weekend consisting of a side of netball and LOTS OF SESH. After a day’s grind at Imperial, the netball girls set off to Brighton by train and arrived in time for a solid night out at Coalition. Good news: we did not cause too much havoc on the train ride there, but can confirm the night was absolutely hectic. Dance moves came out and drinks were flying – all in all a great night out ending with a breezy walk alongside Brighton Pier and cheesy/curry chips (or in the case of Liv, a whole haddock and fries) to satisfy our stomachs. After all, did you even go to Brighton if you didn’t get post-night fish and chips?
Feeling robbed of our six pounds spent on chips, we got up bright and early the next day and headed down to the local Spoons – a classic really. Brunch was strong and absolutely essential (for most), before we headed down to the Manor for two hours of netball. Let’s just say not everyone was in their best form, but there was still some decent play throughout! Though we definitely had some spectators sleeping/recovering from the night before’s damage on the sidelines. Winners took home a hefty bottle of prosecco, ready for another night of carnage at Pryzym. After an hour and a half of netball, the UK weather decided to take a turn as per, and it wasn’t long before we were drenched and desperate to jump into our Ubers back to our ‘luxury’ hostel. We spent the rest of the day chilling and spending our life’s savings in the arcade, where we won a billion lollipops and tacky keychains.
“Feeling robbed of our six pounds spent on chips, we got up bright and early the next day and headed down to the local Spoons”
We even adventured down the lanes of Brighton, and definitely treated ourselves to more chips and churros. In netball tradition, we all headed to Pizza Express to line our stomachs before Pryzym. Absolutely necessary. Then we headed back to the hostel for a solid pre-sesh consisting of tons of roasting and absolute savagery in Mr and Mrs and other group games. To ball out in style, we bagged ourselves a fancy VIP table at Pryzym and danced the night away! Can confirm, we were the youngest women in the club but nevertheless, it was a great night. Highlights of the night include: Ellen getting absolutely binned, Olivia going to church at 2am to pray for Ellen, and Emily getting 100 pounds out of the ATM for a serving of chicken nuggets. These were just a few of many.
All in all, we ended the amazing bonding trip with a big Sunday brunch at an all American diner before heading back to gloomy London and to resume our Imperial lives. It definetely was a tour to remember, and we are all looking forward to next year’s tour carnage!