
Here’s what I’m up to at the moment!

From Felix articles to Under Pressure week, my term so far has been full to the brim with mental health talks and discussions. I’m well aware that, as this is the first year my position has existed, most of the things I start are too big for me to be able to finish. That said, I’ve managed to get bits and bobs done this year.

Firstly, I’ve been in discussions with the Union Shop about stocking wellbeing related items. So far, they have agreed to stock fidget cubes (with a little description from me about why they’re useful) and will review stocking other items suggested by me depending on how they sell.

Additionally, I’ve been working very hard to put wellbeing and liberation on the map at Union Council. I’ve passed a paper regarding guidelines to make Union activities more accessible to people with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and autism, and regularly advocated for a meeting room that is fully wheelchair accessible (which, so far, it has not been). I’ve also seconded papers on the creation of a liberation officer to represent those from poorer backgrounds, now subject to a consultation (please take part!) and the creation of an official petitions system which is now underway. I’ve also attended meetings of the Community and Welfare Board (essentially the welfare subcommittee of council) and met with members of college staff to discuss everything from having better counselling provision on non-SK campuses (including White City) to putting mental health before academic attainment.

However, my position’s time to shine will be during exams next term when I will be doing work with a college-wide campaign centred around the topics covered in my article. Mentality will also have a role in the campaign, so keep an eye out for it!

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