
Get your shimmy on with Belly Dancing Society's workshops

Stressed by exams? Come and wiggle the stress away!

Get your shimmy on with Belly Dancing Society's workshops

Feeling a bit tense or stressed out? Then come along to Belly Dancing Society’s workshops this term! We’ll be running two sessions over the next few weeks, both suitable for beginners, the first being a belly fitness class (free) and the second a Saidi (canes) prop workshop (£8-10). Come along to our Belly Fitness class to shimmy your cares away on Thursday 14th June in Activity Space 1 from 6:30-7:30pm! Get ready for pumping music, strength drills, and belly dancing (at the same time!). Belly dancing requires careful control of various areas like the abdominals, obliques, spine, and neck. It focuses on moving with the body instead of contorting it and has a lot of surprising health benefits. Aside from the stress reduction and relaxation a good session of exercise can bring, belly dance also improves your posture by strengthen muscles in the back and relieving tension in the lower back. While dancing, your leg muscles are constantly in use to stabilise you and give the impression of gliding movement which means the impact on your joints is minimal.

Moves from this dance style have quickly been picked up and used in fitness classes, as they work out many areas at once while feeling like you’re just dancing around! The atmosphere in class is always fun and enthusiastic ensuring you’ll leave with a smile on your face! By focusing on the fitness aspect, this class will be primarily drills and floor exercises to increase strength and control. There will also be an interlude of yoga-like stretches to improve flexibility and try and get rid of the knots that might have accumulated over this term. No dancing experience is necessary; just come along and have a bit of fun! It’s completely free to attend so bring your friends along for an exciting evening of dance! This workshop will be run by the Belly Dancing Society’s President, Rani Mehta as part of the Dance Imperial summer workshop programme. Our second workshop will focus on a dance style known as Saidi on Thursday 21st June in Activity Space 1 from 6-8pm. This is a folkloric dance from the rural area called Sa’id located in Southern (Upper Egypt) and is performed by men and women at festive events, such as weddings. During the workshop we will cover many basic steps, foot patterns as well as technique covered in a combination (canes will be provided).

Saidi dancing originates from a kind of conflict with sticks between men to show their power. It is the oldest form of Egyptian martial arts to have survive and is from the pharaonic times. The Pharaohs painted this kind of dance on the walls of their temples and their soldiers learned it. At the time it was considered to be a form of weapon training. Over time it has evolved into purely dance and incorporated with other styles of belly dance to give the Saidi we know today. This workshop will be taught by Sureya Bellydance, a professional belly dance performer, instructor and choreographer based in London. Her passion for belly dance comes from her Turkish background. She has trained in a number of styles including Oriental Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian and Turkish), Classical Egyptian, Folkloric Egyptian styles, Turkish Romany, and Tribal Fusion, as well as Ballet and Street dance. Sureya has been described as an energetic, vibrant, and versatile performer who is keen to share her love of dance through teaching around the UK.

_Belly Fitness Thursday 14th June 6:30-7:30pm Activity Space 1, Union Building Free

Saidi with Sureya! Thursday 21st June 6-8pm Activity Space 1, Union Building £8 members/£10 non-members_

For more information on either of these workshops please email or find us on Facebook @ICbellydance.

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