
Imperial College Choir Spring Concert - Mozart Requiem and Haydn Te Deum

Imperial College Choir Spring Concert - Mozart Requiem and Haydn Te Deum

Imperial College Choir is one of Imperial’s largest choirs with over 100 members, including both staff and students. If you want to hear what over a hundred angelic voices sound like (singing in a beautiful setting too) come along to our Spring Concert on Saturday 9th March at 7:30pm in the gorgeous Holy Trinity Church, Sloane Square. Advance tickets are just £5 for students, or £8 on the door. Tickets are £15 in advance and £18 on the door for non-students so this is a steal! They can be bought on the Imperial College Choir Union website at or a physical ticket can be bought from a member of the choir. We will be singing Mozart’s Requiem, a beautiful piece that is sure to give you goose-bumps, and Haydn’s Te Deum Laudamus, a striking piece of music you won’t easily forget! We would love a good turn-out to match our efforts, as well as the efforts of our esteemed conductor, Colin Durrant. There will also be professional soloists and musicians to complement our singing and make the experience even more heavenly. It promises to be an enjoyable evening for both choral music fans and classical novices alike, even if you just come to see your mates perform.

Additionally, if you are a fan of choral music then there’s still time to join Imperial College Choir! We are non-auditioned and no singing experience is required, but if you do have some (singing in the shower counts), then even better. We will hold a summer concert next term, as well as three termly concerts next year. If you would like to join this year, just speak to one of our members online. Our committee can be found on our Union website. We rehearse on Thursday evenings, usually in the Great Hall.

If you’re a little too busy this summer term then fear not, as you will be able to find us at Fresher’s Fair next academic year, where we will be happy to chat about all things choir, and we will also run free taster sessions at the beginning of the next academic year.

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