Meet the Editors: Ozbil - The Fanatical One

Having joined Felix Arts as a writer last year, I often think about how different life would have been had I joined sooner. I first heard about Felix Arts from my housemate, and quickly realised that this would be one of the best ways to enjoy the London theatre scene on a student budget – and enjoy it I have! Having a an endless source of free press tickets allowed me to see productions that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. Now a fifth year medical student, I have found myself not only writing for, but also editing th Arts section of Felix.
As you might have guessed already, I tend to be more interested in the performaning arts. I’ve seen Hamilton four times (twice for free, thanks to kind strangers on Twitter!!!) and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child five times (I may have found a way to rig their lottery, which sadly, I can no longer do). I loved War Horse so much that I went again with a friend the day after seeing it for the first time with another friend. I even met Sara Bareilles on the opening night of Waitress, which, frankly, made my life.
My involvement in drama started at a young age, taking part in various school productions. My initial acting career was cut short when I started a short-lived experiment in playing the trumpet. This didn’t last long.
My mum and I have always had a tradition when I was growing up. Every September, my mum and I would buy tickets for the Cyprus International Theatre Festival and go see every single play available for the entire month. We managed to keep this up until I left for university, and even after when my brother took on my role, and I lived vicariously through them.
Once I came to Imperial, the flame I once had for acting was reignited after I auditioned to be a part of the ICSM Drama production of You Can’t Take It With You, where I played the role of the Russian ballet instructor. What a blast! Ever since then, I have been an active part of the ICSM Drama family and have enjoyed every second of it.
In short, the theatre scene in London has been a defining part of my university life, and it was surprisingly affordable.
Come join us at Felix Arts if that sounds like something you’re interested in. We’re to be found at Felix Arts 2019/20 on Facebook (Felix Arts 2019/20), or you can email us at