
Imperial Immortals’ Second Game of the Season

Imperial Immortals’ Second Game of the Season

Result: Imperial Immortals 0 - 48 Queen Mary's Vipers

After the week one game against the Falcons, the game against Queen Mary’s Vipers on Sunday was the Immortals’ second chance to get a win this season. As it was the day before Remembrance Day, both teams lined up on the side-line and took part in a minute of silence to pay respects to all those who gave their lives in the World Wars, as well as anyone else who’s life was lost or impacted by war.

Despite a shaky start from the offence, the defence managed to shut out the Vipers quickly with little struggle. However, disaster struck when one of the Vipers’ defence intercepted a pass by the immortals and the Queen Mary’s squad began to quickly build momentum, this led to them scoring a touchdown. A few more mistakes like this led to the immortals conceding several more touchdowns and the half time score of 28-0.

At the half time the team regrouped and refocused, but the Queen Mary’s Offensive line were very strong and well drilled and this gave their Quarter Back time to find their receivers and a couple of missed tackles led to the score being 48-0 when the final whistle was blown.

In a game like this it is easy to get disheartened, however these players fought to the very end. The Game 2 MVPs are Punter “Not Pres” Loughran, Will “Beans” Woodward, Grummers “Grummers” Grummers, Crancisco “His Mum didn’t come and watch” Fosta and Finn “Glee” Corney. As well as the MVP’s a big congratulations to all the Rookies who got to play for a lot of snaps in the game in a position that they may not have trained at.

Despite the game result being disappointing, there are always positives and negatives to take from any loss, the positive being that the team kept on playing until the end. But the negative being that some of the plays where the Immortals conceded were due to mistakes from lack of fundamentals and hence there are things that they must improve on in training before their next Game against Brunel at Mother Harlington.

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