
£400 Sophia Prize up for grabs again this year

Get writing. Say something.

The Sophia Prize is a £400 prize for an “outstanding, inspiring, and accessible article that helps tackle climate defeatism and covers, or conceives of, an economic, cultural, or scientific innovation that helps fight global warming.”

The 2023/24 prize went to Sabrina Cittadino for her article on finding a use for an otherwise harmful waste product from burning biodiesel. She interviewed scientists and used research to show us an exciting innovation. Runners up included Zanna Buckland’s article on converting roads to tram rails.

Activists of all kinds know that the disaster we must prevent is not exciting. That dread is not what makes people stand up and protest. It does not change a mind; let alone the world. What excites is the better world we can build. Free energy for all. Time to do what you want. Children playing in the street. The pleroma of the basics. Bring hope, with eyes open. Get writing. Say something.

To be nominated simply submit your piece to the relevant Felix section (science at science.felix@ic.ac.uk, environment at environment.felix@ic.ac.uk, or comment at comment.felix@ic.ac.uk). I will be shortlisting writers who can effectively blend science and storytelling. The editor will pick the winner.

From Issue 1851

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