Caption Contest 06/11/2020

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NegaFelix, Psychic Reporter
Beve Stannon, Election Correspondent
Watching the US election over the last couple of days I have been struck time and time again how poorly polling and probabilaty predictions have been interpreted. With the arrival of Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight and the widespread adoption of quantitative poll aggregation techniques, it had appeared to me that
I feel something of a fool. My editorial, published last week on the 30th October was titled ‘Half way through term, things are looking up’. That shows what I know and the foolishness of making off the cuff predictions. Instead we as a student body see ourselves once again thrown
College and tech giant plan to train students as young as 11 for Computing access scheme
I've never had my first kiss. But I'm in a talking stage with a guy and I know he won't do anything I'm not comfy with. But I'm scared. What if I don't like it or it'
Although Americans have always been stereotyped as being loud, obnoxious and self-centred, their contribution to the culture of the internet cannot be overlooked. Their creativity and humour during their tenure on TikTok has crafted an extraordinary environment full of entertainment, both good and bad. But, for this piece, I would
This is a rare time in which I offer some crack in character to my public facade. Writing and editing for Catnip has been a privilege. It offers the complete freedom to publish a huge variety of content, open to criticism, and to privately nod to my personal life, and