Caption Contest 1753
Think you’re funny? Submit up to 3 funny captions to the above comic to before 6pm on Wednesday 5th November.
Think you’re funny? Submit up to 3 funny captions to the above comic to before 6pm on Wednesday 5th November.
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The newest film suffered from “confused themes”, with 80% of its runtime to “nuanced discussions of yield curve risk and hedging strategies”.
Nicolas Geiseler-Toran's weekly comic
In a hotly anticipated press conference on Monday, NASA announced that the Moon (large, grey disc in the sky)was actually “much smaller and closer” than previously thought.
Felix Newspaper announced its strict no artificial intelligence policy to protect the “integrity of journalism and its creatives” in a statement on Instagram last year. However, this week it has been revealed why the College newspaper felt no need to dabble in ChatGPT – they have an office of 64 monkeys
Dark horse Feb Senton has pledged to take over the role of Imperial President from Bugh Hrady. Senton was previously the president of UWE Bristol and plans to align Imperial College with his new “regressive thinking” approach. NegaFelix had the opportunity of meeting with Senton in the Felix office to
This morning, I and the Catnip team gained access to the Arts and Entertainment Commitee’s Arts Night sound check, to write an exclusive early review of tonight’s upcoming showcase. First up was not one, not two, but three acapella groups: n+1th Harmonic, The Large Slabs of the
Premier poachers dribble over the peer-reviewed