
Morning run, then brekkie? They’ve got you.

ICRunning hosted its first Sunday breakfast run in Fulham, to welcome new members on a 5K, 8K or 12K run around the Thames river.

Imperial College’s Track & Field Athletics society, ICRunning, kicked off the first of its weekly Sunday breakfast runs in Fulham last weekend. Members and non-members, the latter   still allowed to try out the society for free until the 14th of October, met at 10am in front of one of the member’s house, to drop of any bags, to change into athletic clothes and to chatter with other students before the run began. Student’s arrived in groups of two or alone, aiming to make new friends at the event.

At 10:15am, the mass of 60-70 students waited for the Chair, Euan, to announce the plan. Students were welcomed and asked to split into three groups, the 5K, 8K or 12K running group, each group smaller than the previous. After a quick picture was taken, groups sped off into different directions. The group running the 12K headed towards the north-western curve of the Thames River, passing Hammersmith Bridge, only to cross into the southside at Barnes Bridge and returning to Fulham.

Within the three groups, smaller sub-groups quickly formed as a result of students running at their comfortable pace. Some students socialised while running, others spared their breath on their run, while solo-runners enjoyed the cold, yet semi-polluted air of London’s traffic in their own company. Despite the riverside path, some stretches of the path were besides busy roads.

At the end of the run, some members claimed they got lost on the path, running in zig-zags through neighbourhoods. Other students announced themselves lost in the groupchats. In response, committee members shared their live locations.

Finally, a breakfast of buttered toast, beans, fried eggs, baked sausages, mandarins and bananas was served to everyone. Vegetarian and vegan options were also available. Students socialised in every corner of the house, some finding space on the street outside.

Locations will change weekly, with different members hosting. A reimbursement of £50 is granted for food, plates and cutlery.

Feature image: At least 60 students from various years, departments and courses arrived Sunday morning. ICRunning

From Issue 1853

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