
Imperial Global Ghana opens in Accra

Imperial College London has become the first UK university to open a permanent science and technology base in Accra following the opening of Imperial Global Ghana. The hub was opened by College President Hugh Brady on Wednesday 13th November.

Two new scholarships were also launched: the Imperial-Schmidt AI Fellows Programme will begin with support for early career researchers from the University of Ghana and the African Institute of Mathematical Science (AIMS) to collaborate with Imperial’s IX Centre for Artificial Intelligence, and the AIMS-Imperial Global Fellows Programme will see 40 doctoral researchers working together in Accra to develop professional, research, and collaborative skills to tackle climate change and the challenges associated with rapid urbanisation.

Speaking at the event, President Brady said: “Imperial’s new Ghana Hub builds on a strong foundation of collaboration between Imperial and the University of Ghana in medical diagnostics, vaccine research, future cities and entrepreneurship training. It will further strengthen and scale up our research and innovation partnerships in West Africa.

“The focus on AI, enabled by generous funding from the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI for Science Programme, is especially exciting and will see Imperial collaborate with the University of Ghana and African Institute of Mathematical Sciences to develop new tools and applications to drive key economic growth sectors, better healthcare outcomes and more efficient and responsive public services."

Feature image: Imperial College London

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