
JTUs agree to halt industrial action

Move is a ‘gesture of goodwill to facilitate pay negotiations in January 2024’.

The Joint Trade Unions (JTU), representing staff at Imperial, have agreed to withdraw their notifications of industrial action ‘as a gesture of goodwill to facilitate pay negotiations in January 2024.’

The JTU represent the local branches of UCU, Unite and Unison, three trade unions, and negotiate staff pay locally with the College.

For over a year, they have been engaged in a dispute over the College’s pay award, arguing that it does not account for increases in the cost of living due to inflation.

In a joint statement sent to College staff, Imperial and the JTU said:

‘Imperial has agreed to bring forward pay negotiations for 2024-25 to January 2024. As part of any agreed award, Imperial will bring forward an element of any consolidated pay increase to the date on which the reduction in USS employer contributions takes effect. For the avoidance of doubt, the savings underpinning Imperial’s previous offer of a one-off payment in December 2023, will now be considered as part of the January 2024 pay negotiations.

‘Following a JTUs members meeting on Monday 16 October, UCU, UNISON and Unite have agreed to withdraw their notifications of industrial action on 18 October 2023 as a gesture of goodwill to facilitate negotiations in January. The JTUs have been asked to submit a pay claim for 2024-25 by December 2023.’

From Issue 1830

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