
King Charles visits Imperial College

His Majesty The King visited Imperial’s Centre for Injury Studies with Ukrainian Ambassador General Valerii Zaluzhnyi

King Charles III visited Imperial's Centre for Injury Studies on Wednesday 19th February to highlight the UK's support for Ukrainian personnel, as well as to hear about research aimed at supplementing humanitarian efforts and mitigating traumatic injuries. His Majesty was joined by the Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK and Northern Ireland, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, as this week marks the third anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

His Majesty greets crowds of students. Thomas Angus/Imperial College

The King has visited Imperial several times previously: first on a private visit in 1975. His first official visit was in 2015 to open the Surgical Innovation Centre, followed by two others in 2018 and 2019.

The Centre for Injury Studies is an interdisciplinary centre that combines the research of engineers, scientists, and clinicians, to collaborate on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of traumatic injuries. His Majesty met with Dr Spiros Masouros and Professor Anthony Bull, the associate director and director of the Centre for Injury Studies, as well as Professor Shehan Hettiaratchy, Professor of Practice in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Director of Major Trauma at Imperial College Healthcare Trust.

This image elicited a fierce debate in the Felix office regarding His Majesty’s Kokoro preferences. Anonymous

King Charles also met with former Army captain and parasport athlete David Henson, who had lost his legs and demonstrated the centre's work in aiding those who have lost limbs' Hnat Herych, chief of general surgery at Unbroken, the Ukrainian National Rehabilitation Centre, also attended and said both The King's and Britain's commitment to Ukraine has been "invaluable". The King also met several Ukrainian students.

We are most surprised

Many students were surprised by King Charles' visit to White City Campus, with several posting videos on their social media. Felix was sent several videos and images of The King speaking to students and touring the campus.

Feature image: Thomas Angus for Imperial College London

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